Cambium applies Private Equity methods to investing in listed companies
Cambium in short
What do we do at Cambium? How are we different ? What are our links with Siparex? Answers to all these questions in this video
This field approach is coupled with a long-term investment horizon, a focus on the intrinsic qualities of companies, and significant margin of safety taken in the valuation of companies

“Average annual performance of management over 13 years, audited by Deloitte”
Companies in portfolio
20 years
Of experience in investing on the stock market
100 M€
Target size of the fund
10 years
Of experience in Private Equity

A “Private Equity” approach applied to investment in listed companies
As in a private equity transaction, we conduct our own due diligence on the ground before investing: discussions with management, interviews with customers and suppliers, interviews with business experts, visits to industrial sites and/or sales outlets, etc.
This field approach is particularly suited to the world of small and medium-sized listed companies, where public information is often reduced to the strict minimum. Our experience in Private Equity, where by definition there is no public information available, therefore helps us a great deal in forging our conviction on an investment case
Our strategy
Bertrand RAMBAUD
"I have known Mathieu for many years, when he worked in the Midmarket team in Paris, and am very proud that Siparex has supported the launch of Cambium, playing an incubator role. His approach is innovative and interesting, as his years of experience as a private equity investor have given him a method and a rigor that he can apply beneficially to listed management. A great journey that continues, with the support of Siparex, as a minority shareholder but with a heart!”
"As the CEO of a Private Equity fund, I fully measure the relevance of the investment strategy led by Cambium. I have always stayed away from stock market investment, which I find irrational and far from the economic reality of companies. With Cambium, I found the solution to invest with confidence in this asset class, which offers me diversification and the great advantage of liquidity."
Maxime BOYER
"As a private equity professional for many years, I was immediately seduced by Mathieu's approach and Cambium's investment strategy. Allowing to combine the keys of analysis of Private Equity and the world of listed companies, is at the genesis of a pragmatic and profitable recipe for identifying beautiful gems and getting through the torments of stock market speculation. To be recommended to all those who wish to invest in the Stock Market from an alternative angle to traditional approaches!"
Benoît V.
"Mathieu is a long-standing professional relationship. When he told me that he wanted to launch Cambium, with an investment method similar to that of private equity, I immediately agreed. In addition to an excellent track record, Cambium's remarkable performance in times of crisis is a sign of rigorous management."
In which envelope can the fund be subscribed?
The FCP Multifund Midcap Value can be subscribed via a french “Plan d’Epargne en Actions” or a classic securities account. It is also eligible for most Luxembourg life insurance policies, including Lombard International, Vitis Life, La Mondiale Europartner, One Life and Wealins. It can also be subscribed via the securities account of a company.
What kind of companies do you invest in ?
Cambium mainly invests in small / midcap companies, with a market capitalization of €50m to €3bn, based in France and Europe, with a robust business model, having proven their ability to generate results over the long term, and displaying a reasonable valuation.
Is there a minimum subscription?
The FCP Multifund Midcap Value has been designed as a general public vehicle accessible to all: There is therefore no minimum subscription amount. A differentiated pricing of management fees is applied according to the type of shares: C shares are accessible without minimum, B shares are accessible from 10 K€ and A shares from 800 K€.
What is the target performance?
Given the intrinsic volatility of the markets, it is not possible to give a short-term performance objective. It is advisable to have an investment horizon of at least 5 years to invest in the FCP Multifund Midcap Value (just like in any stock based mutual fund). In the medium/long term, the targeted performance is that achieved over the last 13 years by Mathieu MARC before the creation of Cambium, i.e. an average annual return of around 14%. Of course, past performance is not indicative of future performance, and as it is a stocks underlying fund, an investment in the FCP may expose you to capital losses.